Yet another beer from founders worth talking about, or just one worth trying. This offering from founders is made sporadically throughout the fall/winter months. It was easy drinking despite the 8.3% ABV and the 60 IBU's. Like everything else I have tried from Founders, this one is also pricey. So if you are looking for a sweet mellow stout like a chocolate or coffee, this isn't the one for you. This stout lands in between on sweetness and punch(like an Old Rasputin).
With a little experience in the stout category you will learn to pair your beer with food, desert, or even a cigar. For the type of cigars I like this beer was a little dry. It is that dryness that would lead me to believe this would pair well with something sweet. It probably would also go well with red meat, helping to enhance the flavor profile of smoked/grilled beef.
Stouts are a big category. So try one, try them all. I promise to give more reviews on these, stay tuned . . .