Sump however is not a common, put it in the seasonal section beer. What the hell are you thinking? You have to leverage this shit however you can! I had been so good at not being an impulse buyer and only buying things I cannot live with out. I had even more recently passed on a chance to buy an abyss. I didn't pass on it a second time when my eyes caught that sump on a shelf. Total wine, what are you doing? I had to tease the local snobs on social media that didn't even know this beer was going to be so widely released in the market. I gotta admit I expected to have to fight for it.
So a moment of weakness I splurged on both of the dark dank beers that perked my interest last week. As I ticker I had to secure these for my OCD desire to drink all the beers, or at least all of the dark beers.
So like a real ambassador, self proclaimed, I broke this huge coffee stout out this past Sunday with my wife and family. The .45 caliber bottle opener was a gift from the family from young veterans brewing company in Virginia beach. This beer has the perfect coffee flavor. There was good bitterness, balanced with sweetness that wasn't overwhelming. I probably can not pull it off but I bet this barrel aged would give coffee bourbon county a run for it's money. This is a real beer nerds beer, well worth the hunt and price tag. The label is awesome and this brewery is top notch based on my experience with this beer, 17 mint stout, and the abraxas. They also do sours which is bold.
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