Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Gumball Head (Three Floyds Brewing)

    I have recently become very conscious about how much I talk about beer around friends that I have outside of work. I realize it has become the go to topic of conversation between myself and my Norfolk family and friends. Normally on the ride back to RVA, I question what they must think about the guy who only seems able to talk about beer? Truth be told, between distribution, sales, marketing and the work we do with the brewery there is so much to consider on the topic of beer. This new obsession of beer mail, or beer trading has opened itself up to be coast to coast. I have recently received beers from California and Philadelphia, and I'm ready to do it again. I have to watch my spending, shipping beer gets expensive and I don't have that kind of disposable income.
    Luckily my ignorant babbling about all things craft beer landed me a connection in Indiana. I have seen many a good review from Three Floyds, and have drooled at all the Dark Lord Days posts. These beers showed up on my porch unexpected, and I was thrilled to have them. Besides Zombie Dust, Gumball Head is a highly recognizable concoction. Thank you very much Mike, I will get you back as soon as I find some worthy beers and get my money straight. 
    An American Wheat Ale, Gumballhead is named in honor of the underground comic book cat created by Rob Syers. This beer is brewed with Amarillo hops and a generous portion of red wheat. Wheat beers are not usually my style, but this beer is something different. It has the clean mouth feel, and finishes with hints of fruit, like a gum ball. It was a strange experience but this is definitely a wheat beer I will buy again, I mean get sent again if I can. I am going to get the beers out to the people that I owe, then I have to go on hiatus until after the first of the year. unless . . . .
Head over the 3 floyds website and be prepared to be amazed. http://www.3floyds.com/

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